Let's Get Started!

Let's Get Started!

Handwriting in Action

Handwriting in Action is designed for kinesthetic and multisensory learners - a program designed for kids who learn best by doing

Welcome to Handwriting in Action. We look forward to guiding your child through foundational skills like seated posture and pencil grip to writing capitals and lower-case letters to practicing spacing for sentences in the next 10 weeks.

This course is designed for your child to complete one 20-30 minute video per week. That's it! The multi-sensory approach will engage all types of learners to improve their handwriting skills. Let’s get started!

Course Facts

  1. Internet access required to stream the class.

  2. The best video viewing format is in horizontal/landscape. 

  3. Set your child up for success with an appropriate sized writing station. It’s important for your child to be seated with feet reaching the floor.

  4. Students in this class range from age 5 to 11 so please customize the video speed based on your student.

  5. Plan to be near your child for the 20-30 minute video. Perhaps sit next to them working on your own project to offer technical support if they need to pause the video, adjust supplies and to ensure they are following the instructions to learn the correct sequence for letter formation.

  6. Encourage your student to practice the skills 2 times between video releases to gain proficiency

Email creativebeginningsinfo@gmail.com for questions, comments or technical support.

Handwriting Course

Please note: You must purchase supplemental materials for this class. PURCHASE ITEMS HERE

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

Hello, I’m Kim Brewer. I have a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy and 10 years experience.

My specialties include:

  • Level one certification of Handwriting Without Tears

  • Passion for addressing fine motor, sensory & handwriting concerns. 

  • Additional education for customizing learning for students with executive functioning and time management deficits. 

  • I use Handwriting Without Tears strategies with my own 3 children.